Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some foods that may be toxic to dogs

Meal or foods a lot of people are eating is safe. Not harmful to health. But it may be unsafe for the dog. What kind of some food? Let's see here.

Grapes and raisins

It is reported that eating grapes and raisins can cause acute renal failure in the dog. The mechanism causing renal failure in the dog. The study is clear that this is because the chemical nature of the grape. Expected to cause renal failure, most commonly cattle, mule Nakhonratchasima (mycotoxins) or may result from residues of pesticides used in viticulture. Or heavy metal contamination in the soil used to grow grapes.

Quantity of grapes that may cause poisoning in dogs is about 30 grams of grapes per dog weighs 1 kg of raisins from the reports of toxicity that is 3-10 g per kg of dog it was a symptom of toxicity. grapes and raisins, including vomiting, diarrhea in 24 hours after taking it. Then it begins to show symptoms of abdominal pain could not eat. The dog will eat less or not brought water and urine. Due to acute renal failure. If not treated immediately. The dog may have died.

Treatment : If your dog grapes or raisins to a veterinarian no more than two hours to make the dog vomit. And the activated charcoal. (Ultra Carbon) to help absorb toxins. Intravenous saline and a diuretic to reduce the incidence of acute renal failure. And other treatments to patients.

Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic have a chemical called Teeter, thiosulfate (Thiosulphate), which can cause anemia in dogs can be. Compared to the violence. The onions with the garlic toxicity than me. Both raw onions, cooked onions can cause toxicity to both.

The toxicity can occur in the case of onions, eat large quantities at one time (to eat onions 60-80 g per 1 kg of dog weight) or less than the amount they eat, and eat as is. for several days (15 g onion eating dogs weighs 1 kg per day) and the garlic. The potential toxicity in dogs when eaten garlic, 1 tablespoon per dog weighing 10 pounds (4.5 kg), however, if the consumption of an extract of garlic may be mixed in food for a dog is not classified as. dangerous to my dog. Because often put in high volume.

Symptoms of anemia include the dog's gums and mucous membranes pale. Into my heart to eat less, some may have vomiting and diarrhea with blood in urine. Treatment is usually symptomatic treatment. The oxygen deficiency of oxygen may be added. The anemia may require blood transfusions.


The chocolate contains substances such as Theo bromide. (Theobromide), which has side effects on the heart, lungs, kidneys and central nervous system of dogs with me. Found that dark chocolate is highly toxic than white chocolate. The amount of chocolate that toxicity is the Dark Chocolate 2 oz per dog weighs 20 pounds (9 kilograms) or to eat milk chocolate, about 20 ounces (600 cc) to me. I was 9 kg.

Symptoms include excitement, convulsions, vomiting, shivering tachycardia and arrhythmias. High body temperature. And may enter a coma state. The treatment is done by stimulating the dog stomach, vomiting or activated charcoal ultra-toxic carbon to absorb. The solution may be to treat the symptoms.

Beverages caffeine

Food products, including coffee, tea, candy, caffeine, coffee drink soft drinks containing caffeine can affect the body systems are the heart, lungs, kidneys and nervous system. Later symptoms include restlessness, vomiting, cooling of the body was later found that the process of breath, fatigue, fast heart beat. Muscle tremor, and seizures may have. The treatment is similar to the case of poisoning from eating chocolate.

Macadamia Nut

Toxicity of Macadamia nuts Academy wives. Not classified as toxic, deadly serious. But may get your dog sick. The study also found that the mechanism of toxicity. But that affects the nervous system command. The dog is walking with depression, fatigue, vomiting, muscle pain, joint swelling, some may have suffered temporary paralysis of the hind legs. The symptoms usually start after eating Macadamia nuts were about 6-24 hours due to severe toxicity is usually not fatal. Most of the symptoms and treatment. The dog recovered from these symptoms within 24-48 hours.


Xylitol is a sweetener instead of sugar. Their products are found in candy and gum. Xylitol is a substance that stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin release. And may result in severe low blood sugar can also cause damage to liver cells.

The two pieces of chewing gum may cause low blood sugar, weight 9 kg in dog poisoning usually occurs within 30-60 minutes after eating. Symptoms include weakness, fainting, and seizures have a process for treating it. Most of the children call out the blood sugar. To lower blood sugar and should be under the supervision of a veterinarian for another 1-2 days and should check the blood to view the operation of the liver.

Alcohol or beverages containing alcohol, and baker's yeast
Liquor have a part that is ethanol. The baker's yeast to make ethanol. The ethanol is toxic to the central nervous system and affects the respiratory system. Symptoms include abnormal fatigue, drowsiness and body temperature with a low Treatment, the toxicity of alcohol and water be used for the treatment of symptoms.

Parts of the fruit of some kind

  • Apple seeds, plum seeds, peaches seeds, pears seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides which can cause vomiting, difficulty breathing and heart rhythms. May enter a coma state. This treatment is done by providing oxygen. Saline infusion and treat according to symptoms.
  • Harvest, leaves, seeds and bark of avocado contains material which may cause persin dog vomiting and diarrhea.
Spoiled or moldy food

Rotten or moldy food. Most dog owners would refuse to leave. However, sometimes a dog is a playful character. Removing trash, like what to eat or pick playing. I could talk about food or eating these vegetables also. Which of these foods may contain some toxins that affect your dog, such as food and some of which may have toxic effects on the nervous system. I have just made​​. Trembling and had seizures. Or fruit / vegetable waste may cause some fermentation. Of ethanol, and then they come out. This will cause toxicity similar to boozing.

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