Monday, July 16, 2012

What to Do When Your Dog Displays Dominance Aggression?

Of all canine behavioral problems, those stemming from aggression are among the most challenging. Not only does aggressive behavior in dogs pose a danger to people and other pets, but owners rarely know how to curb the issue. It often turns into a perpetual struggle that seems beyond their control. In reality, the problem can be successfully modified with the right approach.
In this article, we'll take a closer look at a particular form of aggression in which your canine tries to exert dominance. We'll first define the problem so you'll understand the factors that trigger it. You'll also learn how to recognize dominant traits in your pet, and the steps to take toward reshaping them.
Dominance Aggression Defined
In order to properly define the behavior, it's necessary to distinguish it from similar, yet different, behaviors. Dominance aggression does not refer to a dog that is reacting to prolonged abuse. Nor does it refer to a pet that is trying to assert its will, but in the end, complies.
A canine that is dominantly aggressive asserts his will, and refuses to concede ground. For example, he might growl and bark belligerently at his owner when directed to do something he does not like. He might protect his possessions and space, even from his owner and family. If a person stares at him, he may react violently; if reprimanded, he may become hostile in order to convey his dominance over the other; and if another pet occupies his sleeping area, he might become antagonistic.
These behavioral traits are problematic because they can endanger you and your family. If you provide care for other pets, the behavior can lead to confrontations.
Signs Of A Dominant Canine
Many owners believe this problem occurs only in adult dogs. While this is usually the case, dominance aggression can also display in puppies. Common signs include a resistance to commands that are well-understood, tendency to protect toys and other possessions, and growling and barking for reasons that are unclear.
Your canine may also be dominantly aggressive if he refuses to get out of your way when you are walking toward him. Likewise, if he jumps on your furniture, and refuses to obey you when you order him to climb down, he may be subtly exerting his will.
This behavioral problem is usually progressive; there is a good chance he'll become more aggressive with time. It begins on a small scale, and worsens as the canine seeks to increase his authority. For this reason, it is important to take steps as early as possible to break the habit.
Breaking The Habit Of Aggression
First, make sure your dog receives plenty of exercise. Most owners provide their canines with much less exercise than they need. While a single, short daily walk is good, most dogs will relish up to an hour of strenuous activity each day. This helps them burn off the energy that builds up throughout the day, making aggressive behavior less likely.
Second, avoid doing things that may trigger an aggressive response from your dog. For example, don't stare at him; avoid playing too roughly with him; and avoid waking him unless necessary.
Third, make your canine work for anything he wants. For instance, if he wants to go for a walk, make him sit patiently, and wait for you. If he wants you to pet him, require him to sit quietly before you do so. This communicates you have authority over him, and are in control.
Fourth, be consistent. Dogs learn by repetition. Their expectations are based on observing the same things occurring over and over. If you are consistent in your training, you'll have better success establishing yourself as the authority in your dog's "pack."
Dominance aggression in canines can become dangerous as it evolves. Take the necessary steps to shape the behavior while it is in its earliest stages.

Submitted By: L. Reaves

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