Friday, July 20, 2012

Making Sure That Your Dog Gets Enough Exercise

Exercise is very important to the life of your dog. Having your dog exercise regularly will help to prevent certain habits from forming as well as helping him stay healthy. Many dogs act out when they have a lack of this exercise. They get hyper and like to get into trouble by digging holes in the yard or becoming destructive. These are small little signs that you need to exercise your dog more.
There are many ways that you can make sure that your dog gets the exercise that they need. One thing that you want to look for when exercising your dog, is whether or not they are panting and if so, how long? Panting is a dog’s reaction to heat and lets you know that he is working hard. Do not try to over work him though; if his pant is too strong you will notice a wheezing sound that does not sound good. Make sure to give him a break to catch his breath before starting up again.
When it comes to exercising your dog, you may be wondering what the best ways to achieve this goal are. This is very easy to accomplish simply by playing with your dog or even taking him for walks or running sessions. However, it is always a good idea to start by getting veterinarians suggestions on the best way to exercise your dog. This is important because there may be certain restrictions for specific dog breeds.
There are actually several ways that you can go about making sure that your dog gets enough exercise. One of these is by simply walking your dog. This does not mean one time around the block real quick. This means that the dog needs to spend an amount of time to make him tired or pant. This will help tone his body as well as wear him out to prevent him from becoming destructive. When walking your dog, remember that you are in control. Do not let him invade another dog’s space or try to take you for a walk.
Playing fetch with your dog is another great way to have fun and exercise your dog. Dogs love to run and chase things. One great way to play fetch is by using a tennis ball. After so much time, you can increase the distance of the ball and the travel distance of the dog by using a tennis racquet. This will make the dog work harder thus burning more energy.
Throwing the Frisbee with your dog is an excellent way to exercise your dog. This activity is great because dogs love to chase Frisbees and even love playing in the water. Swimming is great for dogs with joint issues. Working those joint muscles as well as burning energy at the same time will make your dog healthy and happy.
There are many things that you can do that are fun for both you and your dog that will help him to get the exercise he needs to live a happy life. Remember to work him till he pants, but too strongly. Give him breaks when needed and never over do it.
Submitted By: Kelly Marshall

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