Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Barking Dog - 10 Simple Ways to Solve This Problem

How to stop a dog barking. Before you can stop the constant or excessive barking you have to figure out why your dog is doing it in the first place.
The reasons can vary from boredom, alerting the family when there are intruders, separation anxiety, aggressive barking towards people or other dogs, territorial barking or just looking for attention. It is a dog behaviour problem which can be solved.
1. Exercise
Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise, if you have to leave him alone for the day. The amount of exercise depends on the age, health and size of your dog. A tired dog, with no pent up energy is more likely to rest and stay quiet. Always leave your dog in a calm and relaxed state of mind before leaving him.

2. Interaction
Dogs are very social creatures and need interaction. Perhaps you could visit him during the day or arrange for a family member or friend to check on him.

3. Comfort
Always leave plenty of fresh water with your dog and ensure he has a comfortable dry shelter. Rain, wind, cold or too much heat can stress a dog, causing him to bark.

4. Boredom
Keep your dog occupied with a variety of toys and tasty chews to stop him getting bored. Vary the toys every few days.

5. Teasing
A dog tied up close to a public area can be teased by passers-by or children. If this is the case you should move your dog to another location to prevent this happening. Teasing can make a dog very aggressive. This means he will have a second behaviour problem.

6. Never Beat your Dog
Never hit or beat your dog for barking. It is much more beneficial to praise good behaviour than to punish bad. Your dog will be more eager to learn and be able to figure out the correct behaviour faster. Consistency, patience, praise and reward always wins in the end.

7. Obedience Training
Do lots of obedience training and teach your dog the "quiet" command. Always reward him when he is quiet, even if it is not during a training session. Your dog will associate getting your attention and praise when he is being quiet. Your dog is allowed to bark at certain times but not constantly. Let him bark a few times then say "quiet". If someone comes to your door he will want to let you know about it, so a couple of barks is ok, but then he must obey you and stop.

8. Reward Correct Behaviour
Do not pet your dog trying to calm him when he is barking as this will only encourage him to keep it up. You are rewarding him for barking by giving him your attention. Just turn your back on him and do not touch him, speak to him or give him eye contact until he stops and is quiet. Immediately praise him and tell him what a good dog he is. He will learn very quickly that his silence gets him the reward of your attention and affection and maybe a small treat too.

9. Citronella Collar
Some people use a citronella collar which sprays the scent of citronella around a dog's nose whenever he barks. Most dogs do not like this smell and the noise of the unit releasing the spray startles them, which makes the dog stop barking. He associates getting sprayed when he barks.

10. Start Training Early
Obedience training should start as soon as possible when a dog is just a puppy. That cute little face is not a good reason to let him away with any bad behaviour, like barking. For your sake and his, begin his training early. You are helping him, by giving him balance in his life.

Prevention is always better than cure. Teach your dog correct behaviour from when he/she is just a puppy.
Submitted By: Daniel Reid

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