Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taking Your Dog to the Beach

Summertime at the beach with your dog and family is about one of the best outings you could ever have, but dogs do not come pre-trained to be at the beach. For instance, if you begin taking your dog with you to the beach when they are puppies, after they have been fully vaccinated, they are pre-conditioned so that as adults they make great beach companions. While it is true that breeds that are bred to be near and in the water enjoy the beach probably more than other dogs, even dogs that are not bred for water sports still enjoy the breach.

Dogs love to swim, run, romp, play, and get as dirty as they can at the beach. They love being with you and when that includes time spent at the beach, they are super happy. There are some things to keep in mind before you just show up on the beach with your dog. First, what are the rules and regulations of the beach when it comes to dogs, which is very important because some beaches do not allow dogs, therefore, if you show up with your dog, you will be asked to leave. What's more, you may be fined for bringing your dog to a beach where it is not allowed.

Are You Ready? (to Own a Dog or Pet)

Owning a dog (or any pet for that matter) is a significant responsibility. You are taking on a life for its (the animals), lifetime. To look after and care for and give it the best life you can.
Hopefully that is the intention you have, obviously we have our personal reasons; of having a companion, to add pleasure and fun to our life and as long as we are prepared to take on the responsibility previously mentioned with all that, that involves (including the unknown) then you may be ready to have a dog or pet.

Top 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

There are three types of dog intelligence according to Stanley Coren, author of "The Intelligence of Dogs". Adaptive intelligence has the learning and problem solving-ability, instructive intelligence is only specific to the individual animal and Working/Obedience Intelligence is dependent on the breed. I have listed the top 10 most intelligent dog breeds in the world that are easy to train and help humans doing various works directed to them much more like giving them Merrick dog food or bil-jac dog food.
10. Australian Cattle Dog
Tenth on the list is the Australian Cattle Dog, a herding breed. This breed is courageous and a tireless worker, they are very active and needs regular exercise both mentally and physically. They are very protective of their property as well as their masters. This was developed in Australia for herding cattle. They are easy to train, groom and maintain. Provide them with nutritional foods such as that Merrick dog food or bil-jac dog food and it is on the go.

How Much Do Dog Vaccinations Cost?

Being a dog or puppy parent consists of a lot of responsibilities, and one of them is to ensure the health of your dog by taking him to the veterinarian for check ups. General check ups include vaccinations, and there are many kinds that your dog may have to receive. The basic shots include Boratella, Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Leptospirosis, Coronavirus and Rabies. Puppies usually receive vaccinations at two, three, and four months of age, while unvaccinated adult dogs receive two rounds of vaccinations about three weeks apart and receive their boosters every twelve months.
The cost of these vaccinations usually depends which vaccinations are given and where they are done, if it is at a veterinarian’s office or a low-priced vaccination clinic run by a local government or humane organization. Generally dog vaccination costs range from $20 to $175 in the first year, and $15 to $130 per year after that. The basic shots given out to dogs, which include Boratella, Rabies and DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza) cost about $50 to $150. Other vaccinations such as Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Coronavirus cost somewhere between $55 and $160.

Friday, July 27, 2012

10 Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

Your dog is a member of your family and it is only natural that you would want to bring him along when you go on a vacation. More and more families are including that four legged family member each year on their vacation trips. If you are considering traveling with your dog here are 10 tips that will make that trip easier and more fun for both you and your dog.
1. Be sure to have a health check for your dog before leaving on any trip and make sure that all his vaccinations are up to date and make sure you pack the certificates and bring them with you.
2. Make sure your dog is wearing proper identification at all times. This should include either your cell phone number or the number of a relative or friend who will know how and where to reach you at all times, should your dog get lost en route.

How to Socialize Your Puppy?

Since puppy time in the most critical time in a dog's growth, they need to be properly socialized so that the dog's behavior is not left to chance.

Feeding Pregnant Dogs

Giving the best possible care for your female dog and her litter of puppies starts before you even choose the right dog to breed her to. The first step is to make sure she is healthy, which includes worming, vaccinating and having her health checked. If there are any nutritional concerns it is important to address them with your vet at that time since pregnancy will be a nutritional drain on her body.

Where to Put a Dog Bed?

You bring home your recently adopted dog or cat; you purchased all of the components that he/she requirements, including a cat pet bed. You put various accessories inside a bin, so they are going to be useful whenever you require them, but much more importantly, exactly where do you place the brand new bed for the pet? Well, this will depend on a number of aspects.
Let's start with the assumption which you might have a big dog, or perhaps, a really big dog. What this means is that you simply got a big dog bed, which takes lots of space. If this describes the situation, place the big dog bed inside a room exactly where it's not going to interfere with your furniture, and you'll still have plenty of space. This will likely provide your big pet a comfortable private spot.
However, in case your pet is really a little pooch or cat which rests inside a little or additional little pet bed, it is preferred to place the bed exactly where it is not inside your way; by that you will prevent accidents for example not spotting the bed and stepping on your own pet, or stumbling over your dog. From the same manner, don't put the bed within the hallway, or any location exactly where it is limiting your walk path. Apart from that, your doggy needs a bit more personal location to relax. A number of dogs could be irritated very easily when individuals are in their way; it is much better not to challenge them.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Practical Look at Caring For Senior Dogs

Aging canines deal with many of the same challenges as aging people. Their joints begin to stiffen and ache; their gait slows; and they exhibit a lower level of energy than they did as young pups. Older pets need a different type of care than their younger counterparts. Their diets and exercise routines should change to accommodate their bodies. They also require more frequent checkups to prevent the onset of medical issues.

If you have cared for your canine since he was a puppy, be prepared to help him make the transition into his twilight years. This article will present a few guidelines. We'll describe what you can expect as your dog ages, and offer tips to ensure he remains as comfortable and healthy as possible.
What To Expect As Your Pet Grows Older

The Best Care For Your Puppies

People believe that dogs are man's best friend. This pet is being loved by many due to its abilities. Since they can be trained, adults and kids adore them more. However, puppies need appropriate care in order to develop accordingly. If you wish them to follow your commands promptly, train them as early as possible so that they will get used to it. As you can see in television programs and other movies, they are very skilled in performing some activities that humans could also perform. As a result, dogs can even be the protector and right hand of his owner.
First thing that you must consider in taking good care of your puppies is to get them immunized. Immunization is very important in their growth and development. They must be treated like babies who need adequate nutrition and support. Do not expose them to unsafe and dirty environment to avoid acquisition of any diseases. Most pet owners bring their puppy at the nearest veterinarian in town for anti-rabies injection. Other immunization could be given as required. We know for a fact that immunizations can protect you from any preventable illnesses and this principle is also applicable to puppies.
Next thing that you should bear in mind is the kind of food that will meet their body requirements. Always think of a nutritious food that will be beneficial to their health. Most dog foods available in the market are high in carbohydrates and protein. But there are some brands which include vitamins and minerals which are necessary as they grow older. Train him to eat on time at a particular area in your house so that he will know where to look for his breakfast, lunch and dinner. Avoid missing his meals to avoid malnutrition. Remember that puppies are still very sensitive when it comes to health condition. Since their systems are not yet matured, they could catch an illness so easily. To prevent this, feed him appropriately and accordingly.

Is it Safe For my Dog to Eat Herbs For Anxiety?

Dogs do experience anxiety also. This may be manifested by excessive barking or growling and restlessness even though the stimulus is already not around. However, responses to anxiety stimuli vary from one dog to another. Anxiety may also be caused by stress towards the dog. Therefore, if the dog is experiencing anxiety, it is important that the owner must carefully assess the cause of stress and patiently relieve the stress by constant training. Correct behavioral therapy or proper desensitization to the dog’s unpleasant stimuli is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress among dogs.
Like humans, there are also many herbs that are safe and effective in managing anxiety attacks among dogs. Some of these are:

Monday, July 23, 2012

How To Teach A Puppy To Sit

There is an old adage regarding the difficulty of teaching old dogs new tricks, but many owners also find difficulty with training new dogs as well. For those of you out there who fit into this latter group – fear not! Any dog is trainable with the right amount of patience and technique.
Sitting is one of the most important commands for a dog to learn. In fact, it serves almost as a prerequisite for many other commands that should be learned eventually (i.e. stay, lie down, etc). To borrow a different animal’s metaphor, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Likewise, there is no ‘right’ way to teach a puppy to sit so long as the end result is achieved. That said, I highly recommend using a reward based method. Those who use negative feedback to accomplish this may get the desired outcome, but find that it leads to other behavioral issues with their puppy down the road.

Making Your Dog Smart and Intelligent

It is sometimes difficult to know if a dog is smart or not when during training. The way a dog displays intelligent is actually dependent on the efforts and determination an owner puts during the dog training process, so a dog actually might be very smart in the inside not having the right training on attention that he deserves. It is wrong to think that the only thing in your dog’s mind is what the next meal will be. According to recent research, a dog with an average intelligence is a clever as a two year old human child. It is has also been concluded and tested that a dog can learn as much as 165 words and gestures and perform some basic math. So how do you use these inert abilities to make your dog the Einstein of their kind?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Making Sure That Your Dog Gets Enough Exercise

Exercise is very important to the life of your dog. Having your dog exercise regularly will help to prevent certain habits from forming as well as helping him stay healthy. Many dogs act out when they have a lack of this exercise. They get hyper and like to get into trouble by digging holes in the yard or becoming destructive. These are small little signs that you need to exercise your dog more.
There are many ways that you can make sure that your dog gets the exercise that they need. One thing that you want to look for when exercising your dog, is whether or not they are panting and if so, how long? Panting is a dog’s reaction to heat and lets you know that he is working hard. Do not try to over work him though; if his pant is too strong you will notice a wheezing sound that does not sound good. Make sure to give him a break to catch his breath before starting up again.
When it comes to exercising your dog, you may be wondering what the best ways to achieve this goal are. This is very easy to accomplish simply by playing with your dog or even taking him for walks or running sessions. However, it is always a good idea to start by getting veterinarians suggestions on the best way to exercise your dog. This is important because there may be certain restrictions for specific dog breeds.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Putting an Overweight Dog on a Diet

Do you have an overweight dog that needs to go on a diet? Are you wondering the right way to go about doing this? Then you are reading the right information. We will cover how you can help your dog slim down safely.
Reasons for Your Dog Being Overweight
Before putting your dog on a diet you need to discover the reason for it being overweight. If your dog eats the right amount of food and you do not exercise it enough, you might not need to put it on a diet, rather just take it for a daily walk. Are you feeding your dog table scraps on top of their dog food? This is one of the main reasons for a dog to be overweight. People food is not always the best thing for a dog. Is your dog eating too much dog food? This one is easy to take care by simply cutting back a bit on the food each day.

Choosing A Dog - 5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself

Before even considering getting a dog, ask yourself, should I get a dog?
Maybe the children want a cute puppy and they will not take no for an answer. Are you lonely and want companionship?. Are you looking for a guard dog? Be honest with yourself as to the real reason you want one. Think about what type is right for you and will fit comfortably into your lifestyle. Ask yourself the following five questions before you choose.
1) Can you afford a dog?
Here are some facts on the cost of owning a dog. Besides the actual cost of buying one, there are some essential dog supplies you will have to get before bringing him home. You will need water and food bowls, a crate for him to sleep in, dog collar and leash, toys to keep him occupied, treats and a grooming kit just to name a few. There will be the regular recurring costs of food, pet insurance, worming and annual visits to the veterinarian for vaccinations and health checks. You may have to pay someone to care for him while you are on holidays.

How to House Train a Puppy? - 10 Easy Steps

House training a puppy can take from a few weeks to a couple of months, so you have to be patient and consistent to get the best and fastest results. A puppy has a small bladder so he will have to go outside quite often. Always praise your puppy for doing the right thing.
1. Start training your new puppy right away on the day you bring him home. Take him to a designated spot outside where he can relieve himself. Stay quiet and do not distract him. When he is finished give him lots of praise and let him know what a good dog he is. He will start to associate this spot with fun and lots of attention from you.

2. Your puppy has a small bladder which he cannot control yet, so be patient and do not get angry with him. Never stick his nose into the mess he has made, as he will learn nothing from it, except to be scared of you. This will cause him to do his business under furniture and other hiding places when you are not around. Encourage your puppy to love you, not fear you.

Pick The Right Dog Crate For Your Dog

Dog experts agree that a dog create is essential. Dogs are not made for the urban sprawl, long days, and living conditions established in the average family. A dog crate can lower the stress level of house training, being left alone, and traveling for your pet.
There are several styles of dog kennels on the market. Each has a individual purpose. The most common dog kennel is the wire metal kennel, with the MIDWEST offering supurb value. The next most popular style is the airline crate. Many owners feel that this style of crate mimics a wild dog’s den.
The Purpose of a Crate

The Barking Dog - 10 Simple Ways to Solve This Problem

How to stop a dog barking. Before you can stop the constant or excessive barking you have to figure out why your dog is doing it in the first place.
The reasons can vary from boredom, alerting the family when there are intruders, separation anxiety, aggressive barking towards people or other dogs, territorial barking or just looking for attention. It is a dog behaviour problem which can be solved.
1. Exercise
Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise, if you have to leave him alone for the day. The amount of exercise depends on the age, health and size of your dog. A tired dog, with no pent up energy is more likely to rest and stay quiet. Always leave your dog in a calm and relaxed state of mind before leaving him.

2. Interaction
Dogs are very social creatures and need interaction. Perhaps you could visit him during the day or arrange for a family member or friend to check on him.

Is it Better to Have Two Dogs or Should You Only Have One?

Often dog owners wonder if having two dogs is better than one. The truth is if you plan to leave your dog during the day while you are at work, it may be better to have two so that they can keep each other company. While all dogs prefer to be with their owners, having two dogs is a way to keep them occupied when you are out. Moreover, it helps them to learn to interact with other dogs so that they know how be well-behaved when it comes to canine interactions.
It may not be a wise idea to adopt a puppy if you have a senior dog because this can cause a lot of tension in the home. The best way is to either adopt two puppies at the same time, or adopt one and get him accustomed to the family and then bring in another puppy. They will keep each other entertained for hours when they are puppies and then grow to be best buddies when they are adults. This way when you are out to work or the family is a way for the day; your dogs can keep each other company so they are not all alone.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Pet Medicine For Younger Dogs

Pet medicine for younger dogs, those dogs between the ages of one and 7 years of age, are specially formulated for adult dogs. They are not meant for puppies or mature dogs, meaning the dogs over 7 years of age. Those dogs are considered to be mature or senior. A dog that is one year old has finished with his puppy shots and will only need medications if something is wrong with him or his monthly preventative pills.
Different breeds of canines under one year of age also may require a different strength of the same type of prescription or non-prescription pills. For example a Great Dane puppy would need a stronger dose of a dewormer than a Yorkshire terrier or any of the teacup size puppies. A difference in size means a difference in the proportion of medications.

3 Useful Tips on Dog Training You Can Use Now

Dog training can be fun and exciting if done in the right way, but that doesn’t mean there’s not going to be some hard times along the way. A lot of people who want to train their dog usually have a problem of where and how to start the process. The arrival of the new puppy brings excitement and happiness to the whole household. Very soon, he will become the center of attraction for the whole family. It also means that there are lots of works for you to do in terms of bringing out the best in the dog’s behavior. There are several ways to train a dog, but a few simple tips and steps if followed properly will go a long way in bringing you success.
Potty training: dogs are creatures that easily form habits. All animals including your dog don’t know where or when it’s right or wrong to go to the toilet. Naturally, when they fill like doing it, they do it. It is your responsibility to communicate with them and help them develop the habit of doing it at the place that is more convenient. Closely monitoring the dog will help in knowing their toilet habits and prevent any kinds of mistakes, you also needed to open your back doors often. Know that puppies are young animals, they can only hold on an hour for every one moth of their life.

Why Dog Food Storage Containers Save You Money?

Sometimes, buying dog food in mass quantities is one of the best ways to save money. However, if not stored properly, spoiling, mold, and insect infestation can be a consequence. So much for saving all that money! This is where the beauty of dog food bins come in.
With the proper kind of bin to store your dog food in, the efforts of your buying in bulk will not go to waste, nor will your money. And while you may not think about keeping insects out, fruit flies and ants are infamous for feasting on open dog food and rapidly multiplying and causing a nuisance.
Another benefit to dog food containers is that they help keep odors out of the dog food. While this may not bother some dogs, many others are very picky. And what a waste of money if your dog will not even eat the food. These bins also are great at keeping your dog from getting into a bag of food. They even help with toddlers around, as they are always trying to 'help out' and can end up wasting a lot of dog food. Dog food storage containers should be airtight to keep the food fresh and are the ideal way to store lots of dog food.
Dog food storage come in many sizes, from small treat storing size, to large enough to handle 80 pounds of dog food. Many of the large and extra large containers are even on wheels so you can get to them and store them easier. With wheels, you can store your large bin in the back of the pantry, but still be able to pull it easily out when it is time to feed your dogs.

How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting and Nipping?

I suggest every puppy owner is aware of the problems of being on the receiving end of their puppies biting from the puppies sharp pin like teeth, and I wonder how many puppy owners is aware that dog obedience needs to start at the earliest opportunity within the puppies life.

For any puppy certainly in the puppies early weeks of life the attempts of deterring the puppy from biting and nipping can be not only a major problem but also an impossible challenge, not just for the puppy but also for the owner because we should all know that a puppies biting and nipping can start to be an expression of fun, but in reality the biting or nipping must be eliminated very quickly to avoid ongoing problems.
But let’s be perfectly honest and remind ourselves that biting or nipping for a very young puppy is a natural and essential phase to go through, especially when the young puppy is teething.
Puppies in general will need no encouragement in sinking their sharp needle-like teeth into just about anything and everything during this teething stage, including your hands and your feet, sometimes we owners need to be forced to have a reality check, as sometimes we are convinced that we have bought a wolf in puppies fur, instead of the beautiful cuddly little puppy we all was eagerly awaiting its arrival into the family.

What to Do When Your Dog Displays Dominance Aggression?

Of all canine behavioral problems, those stemming from aggression are among the most challenging. Not only does aggressive behavior in dogs pose a danger to people and other pets, but owners rarely know how to curb the issue. It often turns into a perpetual struggle that seems beyond their control. In reality, the problem can be successfully modified with the right approach.
In this article, we'll take a closer look at a particular form of aggression in which your canine tries to exert dominance. We'll first define the problem so you'll understand the factors that trigger it. You'll also learn how to recognize dominant traits in your pet, and the steps to take toward reshaping them.
Dominance Aggression Defined
In order to properly define the behavior, it's necessary to distinguish it from similar, yet different, behaviors. Dominance aggression does not refer to a dog that is reacting to prolonged abuse. Nor does it refer to a pet that is trying to assert its will, but in the end, complies.
A canine that is dominantly aggressive asserts his will, and refuses to concede ground. For example, he might growl and bark belligerently at his owner when directed to do something he does not like. He might protect his possessions and space, even from his owner and family. If a person stares at him, he may react violently; if reprimanded, he may become hostile in order to convey his dominance over the other; and if another pet occupies his sleeping area, he might become antagonistic.
These behavioral traits are problematic because they can endanger you and your family. If you provide care for other pets, the behavior can lead to confrontations.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

About Hookworms in Dogs

Many dogs suffer from an infestation of hookworms. This is a type of parasite that has a mouth that resembles a hook. This mouth is used to latch on to the walls of the intestinal tract within the dog. The parasites are relatively small - only measuring approximately one eighth of an inch in length. However, they are capable of pulling out an extremely large amount of blood from the vessels that are contained within the walls of the intestinal tract. If a dog has a large amount of hookworms within their body, it is highly possible for them to develop a condition known as anemia. While this condition has the capability of affecting dogs of all ages, younger dogs are the ones that are mostly susceptible.
Based on the current knowledge surrounding hookworms, there are four unique methods that a canine may become infected by these parasites. Many become infected while still in the placenta and others become infected as they consume their mother's milk. In addition to these methods of infection, a dog may become infected by hookworms through the mouth as well as through the skin. Regardless of the specific route that the parasites take, they can literally wreak havoc on the entire body of the dog. However, the most common complications occur within the digestive tract as well as the blood. There are many symptoms that a dog may experience if they suffer from hookworms. The following highlights the most common issues:
• Most dogs will start to display pale colors in the membranes - such as the gums.
• It is common for the pet to experience lethargy.

My Dog is Eating Grass is He Sick?

From time to time even the most normal of dogs will show signs of puzzling behavior. While some of these seemingly weird behaviors make you laugh other behaviors make you wonder if perhaps your beloved pet is ill or if you are doing something wrong in your care for your pet. You love your dog so worry is a natural extension of that love and there are times when our dog's behavior indicates we definitely have cause for worry.
New dog owners are often puzzled and concerned when they see their beloved pet eat grass for the first time. This concern grows if the dog continues to indulge in this behavior on an increasingly regular basis. To make matters worse if you have spoken to other dog owners about your dog's behavior no doubt you have gotten confusing answers. There are many people, long time dog owners as well as people who never owned dogs who believe that dogs (and cats) eat grass when they are feeling ill. While some will tell you that eating grass settles in the dog’s stomach, others tell you they eat the grass in order to regurgitate something in their stomach that is making them sick.
Still other people will tell you that your dog is eating grass because there is something missing in the diet you are feeding him. All these differing opinions are enough to worry any dog owner and send them rushing to their vet in mild panic, needing to know who is right and what they can do to help their dog.

Hypoallergenic Dog Food: 3 Ways It Helps Your Dog's Food Allergies

Before we look at how a hypoallergenic dog food can help with your dog's food allergy, let's take a quick look at dog food allergy symptoms and then what a hypoallergenic food is.
So how do you know if your dog has food allergies or sensitivities? Common signs are constant itching, hot spots, pawing at the mouth, diarrhea, constipation, and excessive gas. If you feed your dog the same food, this will be constant. If you vary your dog's food, then it may come and go with the offending ingredient.
Now, what exactly is a hypoallergenic dog food? It is simply a dog food produced with the following types of ingredients: 1) high quality, 2) minimal, and 3) un-common.
So how will this help with your dog's food allergies?

Pet Supplies - Make Your Pet Comfortable and Healthy

Adding a pet to your family keeps you enthusiastic and busy. Pet adoption is not an easy task for those people who have minimum knowledge of toys, food, shelters and many more which pets like a lot. Owning a pet is a big responsibility. This is because apart from making sure that your pet is well fed, properly groomed, and properly trained, there are a number of special needs for your pet, so they will live a long and healthy life. One example of such a source is a friendly pet store.

Pet stores are some of the best sources of Pet supplies. This is because pet stores also ensure that people who buy pets from them also gain access to the supplies that they need to properly take care of their pets. As a result, a typical pet store can provide a pet owner with a wide selection of pet supplies, which include pet toys and pet food, which can help him take care of his pet. Moreover, most pet stores provide pet supplies for almost all types of pets, which make also makes them the more convenient option for people looking for pet supplies.

In addition to these, pet stores can also provide pet owners with the best tools that can help them take care of their pets. This is because the people who run pet stores have vast experience in taking care of pets, which include knowledge on which brands of online pet supplies can give the best results.

Given that pet owners need to make sure that their pets are provided with the supplies that they need to be able to live long and healthy lives, pet owners need to gain access to high quality pet supplies. Fortunately, there are quite a number of sources from which pet owners can get the pet supplies that they need. Many people consider their pets to be a part of their family and they want the best online pet supplies possible.

Pet Warehouse Direct offers online pet supplies, online cat supplies, online dog supplies, online bird supplies, online fish supplies and online reptile supplies. Pet Warehouse Direct has pet containment supplies for cats and dogs, including cat crates, dog crates and pet cages. Our online dog supplies store offers dog containment systems, including underground pet fences, wireless dog fences and the new WiFi dog fence. We have a great assortment of collars: designer, leather, as well as dog shock collars and bark collars. For all of your pet supplies needs please consider us. We are online, easy to find and truly appreciate your business. Our Online Pet supplies Store uses full featured shopping technology for your pet supplies shopping convenience and safety. The Pet Warehouse Direct customer service staff is always ready to assist.

Article written by seolife

Tips dog has good healthy skin - hair soft and shiny.

Factors that affect dog's skin and hair.
Before we get to know your dog's coat is beautiful. One thing you should know that. What factors affect the healthy skin and coat your dog? Some factors we can not control. As a result, each dog is treated the same. But there are different hair and skin.

  • Inherited : Each dog will have the genetic inheritance was different. The coat and skin are different from the original. In addition, diseases and disorders of the skin. Hereditary diseases such as allergy (Atopy).
  • Feed : Quality of food is an important factor that affects a significant factor in coat and skin condition of dogs. Low-quality dog food. Or a nutrient imbalance, it would make the coat rough. Fall out easily.
  • Other physical health : If your dog is sick. Do not eat or eat less. Or a poor intestinal absorption of nutrients. It is the one where the owner is obviously a rough messy hair. Fall out easily. Rough or scaly skin is covered.
  • Care of the owner : such as bathing and brushing.
  • Parasite : Parasite interfere the skin such as ticks - parasites, fleas, which may make the dog itch to scratch. Or gnawing at me tick - flea's. Skin inflammation. Wet, tangled coat. coat-outs and spalling of the bath brush.
Coat and skin care tips for your dog.
Should bathe your dog every 1-2 weeks with a mild shampoo. No chemicals to irritate the skin. Do not bathe your dog too often. It will make you fat, skin, hair and skin of the coating decreases. The dry, rough skin and hair. It also can cause dandruff and skin diseases as a. Unless your dog is a skin disease that may take a bath more often. (Bath with medicine shampoo).

Choose food species. How important?

Information from the Veterinary Hospital, Lo explains.
What do you think first before you buy dog food?
There are two of the "species", which is broken down into small, medium, large.
The second factor is the "age" of the dog as a young adult or old age.

Due to the size of your dog. Food and nutrition needs vary according to the inherent structure of the body such as Shih Tzu was a small dog. The majority party is playing in the house. Activities isn't very. The food will be smaller. The coat and skin care that focuses on nutrition. The Golden Retriever is a large dog breeds are more playful mischievous nature of food grains may be larger. And nutrients necessary for energy, protein, calcium, etc., in proportion over the the Shih Tzu. But may nourish coat with nutrients as well.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Authentic's healthy protein to your dog.

As is well known that protein nutrition for your dog can not live without it. The source of protein, the difference will be the same or not? We come to understand this story.

In addition to the main protein source. There are more important than that. The structure of the body that acts as a dog that has it all, but our dog does not need the protein. However, the amino acid protein. The structure of the protein is over. The proteins are broken down into individual amino acids have a different word for "good protein" refers to the ability of proteins to the body of the dog is. The amino acid was used. The amount of protein.

Eggs are a high protein diet. Followed by meat, fish, chicken, chicken meal, or even other components. Product of the chicken bones, feathers, it has the same protein. But the point is. All proteins and protein are not equal. Because some body is not used. The dog lovers can observe the main ingredients on the labels of dog food in the market, which has three different types.

Economy low-cost food ingredients are used. Consists of grains ground to 60-90% of the dogs to eat the lot is full, but most do not provide any benefit. Go to the body.

Over the centuries wolves evolved an elaborate system of body language, facial expressions, and vocalizations to communicate with each other. Domestic dogs also use this means of communication, and all of these signals are easily understood by other dogs. If you can learn to interpret how your dog is feeling by observing its posture and expression and listening to it, you'll be well on the way to successful communication with your pet and better equipped to solve any behavior problems that arise.Following are some major canine attitudes and their typical outward manifestations.
dogEarsForward or back, close to head.
EyesNarrow or staring challengingly.
Lips open, drawn back to expose teeth bared in a snarl. Possible jaw snapping.
BodyTense. Upright. Hackles on neck up. Completely Dominant position.
TailStraight out from body. Fluffed up.
Snarl. Growl. Loud bark.
dogEarsPerked-up. Turning to catch sounds.
EyesOpen normally or wide.
Mouth closed or slightly open with teeth covered.
BodyNormal. Possibly standing on tiptoe. Slightly Dominant position.
TailUp. Possibly wagging.
None. Low whine or alarm bark.

Friday, July 13, 2012

However observed absorption good or not?

Important factors to consider when buying the best food for dogs. In addition to nutritious food. "The ability or the ability to absorb". Is another factor that must be attributed to the owner. 

Pet food market has the ability to digest and absorb the difference. Depending on the quality of the ingredients in them such as Two brands of pet food ingredients may be the same. The results were certified as well. But when you bring your pet to go. The ability to digest or absorb it may be very different. But first must come to understand the meaning of "The ability to digest what they are and how to measure".

"The ability to digest food". The total amount of nutrients contained in food. The dog can be absorbed through the intestines into the blood stream. The nutrients that the body can use. Nutrients can be absorbed and delivered to the tissues. The body ready to be utilized.

The ability to digest foods that are high. It helps the body get more nutrition than foods with a lower ability. The ability to digest is the one that can be used to measure the quality and nutritional value of foods.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some foods that may be toxic to dogs

Meal or foods a lot of people are eating is safe. Not harmful to health. But it may be unsafe for the dog. What kind of some food? Let's see here.

Grapes and raisins

It is reported that eating grapes and raisins can cause acute renal failure in the dog. The mechanism causing renal failure in the dog. The study is clear that this is because the chemical nature of the grape. Expected to cause renal failure, most commonly cattle, mule Nakhonratchasima (mycotoxins) or may result from residues of pesticides used in viticulture. Or heavy metal contamination in the soil used to grow grapes.

Quantity of grapes that may cause poisoning in dogs is about 30 grams of grapes per dog weighs 1 kg of raisins from the reports of toxicity that is 3-10 g per kg of dog it was a symptom of toxicity. grapes and raisins, including vomiting, diarrhea in 24 hours after taking it. Then it begins to show symptoms of abdominal pain could not eat. The dog will eat less or not brought water and urine. Due to acute renal failure. If not treated immediately. The dog may have died.

Treatment : If your dog grapes or raisins to a veterinarian no more than two hours to make the dog vomit. And the activated charcoal. (Ultra Carbon) to help absorb toxins. Intravenous saline and a diuretic to reduce the incidence of acute renal failure. And other treatments to patients.

Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic have a chemical called Teeter, thiosulfate (Thiosulphate), which can cause anemia in dogs can be. Compared to the violence. The onions with the garlic toxicity than me. Both raw onions, cooked onions can cause toxicity to both.

The toxicity can occur in the case of onions, eat large quantities at one time (to eat onions 60-80 g per 1 kg of dog weight) or less than the amount they eat, and eat as is. for several days (15 g onion eating dogs weighs 1 kg per day) and the garlic. The potential toxicity in dogs when eaten garlic, 1 tablespoon per dog weighing 10 pounds (4.5 kg), however, if the consumption of an extract of garlic may be mixed in food for a dog is not classified as. dangerous to my dog. Because often put in high volume.

Symptoms of anemia include the dog's gums and mucous membranes pale. Into my heart to eat less, some may have vomiting and diarrhea with blood in urine. Treatment is usually symptomatic treatment. The oxygen deficiency of oxygen may be added. The anemia may require blood transfusions.